
We are witnessing a wonderful wave of the overcoming of the sexism that has been present until now in the choice of the references of sociology. This movement is part of the fourth wave of feminism, the feminism of all women or dialogic feminism initiated in 2001 by the debate Beck Gernstein-Butler-Puigvert and has had results as the MeToo movement. This dialogic feminism does not make any woman invisible, it does not accept the traditional men making women invisible, but it does not accept that a minority of women (like the ones with university degrees) make the other women invisible either. 

The current sexism of the academic power tries to assimilate this movement while maintaining its traditional power with a new costume. Power tries to limit the recognition of women’s contributions to sociology as “a different sociology” maintaining its references as the ones of The Sociology. For example, they accept the role of Jane Addams and other women as founders of sociology but meaning by this word a different sociology, while maintaining the fathers (Weber, Durkheim) as the founders of The Sociology. 

Of course, feminists do not accept these limits, we have demonstrated that women like Jane Addams are founders of The Sociology. In fact, Addams developed the same kind of dialogic sociology an increasing number of sociologists are doing today: dialogic theory and practice focused on social impact, co-creation, poverty, sexism, racism, peace. For instance, she created movements of women for peace during the Great War, while the fathers forgot their writings about war and peace and became patriots in favor of war, Durkheim in favor of the French side and Weber in favor of the German side. Durkheim and Weber had the opportunity to learn a lot from sociologist women, but they did not because they were not intelligent enough to understand the relevance of their contributions.

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