Criteria for making social scientists visible

Spanish version

We are now beginning to do what we were not allowed to do until recently: make visible the women who have been invisibilized despite having made contributions to the social sciences that are better than those from their male counterparts. The better we do this, the more we will achieve that essential visibility for the advancement of the social sciences and society in all its dimensions, not just in terms of gender. A danger is that this process could lead to populism due to the voices and pressures of those who prioritize getting themselves or their allies on the list, resulting in an endless list that loses all its impact. We cannot place women who have risked everything to defend victims at the same level as women who have defended pedophilia in their writings.

It is very clear that every map is a simplification that loses many important details. However, if we tried to include those details in the map, it would be useless because it would be as large as the reality it aims to represent. This is what could happen to us with populism, rendering our efforts useless in the end. Therefore, it is essential to agree on the criteria as much as possible; and this is what we are going to do for the Catalan Sociological Association for the 2025 calendar, after having translated this year the excellent calendar made by our colleagues at the University of Granada, who have been the pioneers.

Although it is still a draft for discussion, we present the current proposed criteria and, of course, we will gladly welcome your suggestions.