
A frustrated musician who did not know what he could do to attract attention and get more followers, he threw himself headlong into exercising isolating gender violence against those who took a stand against harassment at the university. With the pose of ‘progressive’, musician, and alternative, he got no greater or better ally than a right-wing person, with a nature totally opposite to his own.  But as Groucho already announced, «these are my principles, and if you don’t like them, I have others» and the desire for protagonism at all costs, when you are not recognized in the environments you want, is what it is.

Without caring about anything or anyone and without any rigor, more than what his ego allowed him, he decided to proclaim himself an expert on «who knows what», without any scientific knowledge on the subject, and just as the three little pigs escaped from the wolf running from one house to the other, he launched with no stop assertions and theories, which he considered to be valid at an educational level and others that according to his criteria – without any scientific support – he attacked them as strongly as he could. His ego was getting happier and happier because he saw that the more attacks, the more followers.

When the emptiness of the most decadent bars and dens no longer satisfies the desire for prominence, they can only resort to isolating gender violence and try their luck.

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