
A large scientific congress was being organized with the participation of researchers from all disciplines, scientific journals, evaluation agencies and three Nobel Prize winners from very different areas of knowledge. In view of this important event, the female researchers who were organizing it decided to meet with the rector of the university to inform him, since he was chairing the honorary committee.

The rector at the time had an alleged well-known and very long-lasting friendship with the most recidivist professor. The researchers not only had a high academic relevance, but also from the beginning they had positioned themselves on the side of the victims of gender violence in the university, suffering themselves from isolating gender violence.

Upon receiving them, the rector was very nervous, jumping from one topic to another without listening to what they were explaining. Both spoke of the Nobel Prizes, of the scientific relevance of the event, of the large number of people registered from all disciplines, of a historic moment for the University, while he limited himself to reiterating that «they were no longer friends» and that he «had nothing to do with it», justifying, without saying so, the years of friendship and concealment with him. The repeated justifications served to make evident what was already known.

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